6.6 128 minHD Body of Lies Action, Drama, Hollywood movies, Thriller, USA 10 Oct 2008Ahmed Hatimi, Annie Penn, Gary Romolo Fiorelli, Peter Kohn, Ridley Scott, Sallie Hard, Sheila Waldron, Yann Mari Faget Trailer Watch
7.4 143 minHD The Great Gatsby Drama, Hollywood movies, Romance, USA 10 May 2013Baz Luhrmann, Betty Fotofili, Christopher Turner, Deborah Antoniou, Eddie Thorne, Emma Jamvold, Greg Tynan, Jennifer Leacey, Samantha Smith McGrady, Scott Lovelock Trailer Watch
161 minHD Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood Bollywood Movies, Comedy, Drama, Hindi movies, USA 26 July 2019 Quentin Tarantino Watch